ENGLISH CLASSROOM 56The wright brothers英文教室十六萊特兄弟

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The Wright Brothers

Orville and Wilbur Wright invented and flew the world’s first powered aircraft.

Wilbur was born near Millville, Indiana, in 1867. His brother Orville was born in Dayton, Ohio, in 1871. The Wright brothers showed a talent for building and repairing machines when they were very young. In 1892, they set up a bicycle shop in Dayton. Before long, they built their own bikes to sell in their shop.

In 1896, they became interested in flying machines after reading about gliders. By 1899, they had built their own glider. They took it to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The sand hills and ocean winds at Kitty Hawk made it a great place to try out their glider.

They returned to Dayton and from 1899 to 1903 learned all they could about flying. They experimented with gliders and kites and began to build their own airplane. They built the first wind tunnel to help them. They also built a propeller and four-cylinder engine for their airplane.

In September 1903, they took their new aircraft to Kitty Hawk to test it out. The weather was finally right on December 17. That day, Orville kept their plane in the air for 12 sceonds. It went 120 feet. Later that day, Wilbur flew it for 59 seconds and went 852 feet. It was the first powered flight.

Orville and Wilbur returned home and built two more planes. It took them two years. In 1906, they got a U.S. patent for a powered aircraft. They sold their plane to Britain and France.

In 1908, they got a contract to build aircrafts for the U.S. War Department and they set up the American Wright Company in 1909. They improved their designs and built planes for the army. They also trained pilots to fly them.

Wilbur Wright died in 1912. In 1915, Orville left their manufacturing business to do research. He continued to be involved with aviation in the United States for many years. Orville died in 1948.

A. True or False. Read the statemnets below. If the statement is true, write T beside the sentence. If it is false, write F. If it is false, correct the information.

1 Orville Wright was the older brother.___________

2 The Wright brothers were good at fixing machines when they were young.__________

3 They set up a shop that sold gliders._____________

4 The first powered flight took place in 1906.___________

5The Wright brothers taught pilots how to fly.___________


B Practice asking and answering the following questions with your partner. Then write the answers in complete sntences.

1 What kind of business did the Wright brothers start in 1892?_____________________

2 How did they first become interested in flying machines?________________________

3 When did they test out their first glider?______________________________________

4 Why did they choose this spot?______________________________________________

5 What did they do to prepare for the first powered flight?_________________________

6 How did they protect their rights to their invention?_____________________________

7 How did they help in the war effort during the first World War?____________________

8 What did Orville do after he left the American Wright Company?___________________

Song of the day: Midnight Special-Steve Miller Band:Fly Like An Eagle


1q.--- t/f  W in 1867 O in 1871 q1 = f

2q= t

3q= f

4q= f sept.1903 not 1906.

5q t


b1= a bike shop

b2= 1896= W was 19, O was 15

b3=Kitty Hawk, NC

b4=It was a great place to try out their glider w/ sand hills and ocean winds

b5= they learned all they could about it in Dayton from 1899-1903 when W was 32-36 and O was 28-32

b6-they got a U.S. patent.

b7- they built aircraft for the U.S. War Dept.

b8- Orville did research.

