ENGLISH CLASSROOM 61 abraham lincoln- honest abe英文教室六十一亞伯拉罕林肯

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Abraham Lincoln-Honest Abe

(1) What do you know about Abraham Lincoln?

(2) Read the text about Honest Abe Lincoln:

Honest Abe, the most common nickname for Abraham Lincoln, was inspired by the “ every schoolboy knows” stories of his honesty as a child and young man.

In managing the country store, as in everything that he undertook for others, Lincoln did his very best. He was honest, civil, and ready to do anything that should encourage customers to come to the place, full of pleasantries, patient, and alert.  

On one occasion, while he was working as a store clerk. It is said that he accidentally overcharged a customer a few extra cents because scale was not working properly. When he realized the mistake, it was too late, and the customer had already left. He knew the right thing was to return the cents to the customer, so he decided to close the store and go fine the customer. At that time, he couldn’t just jump into a car and drive over there like is able to do today. Instead, it is said the Abraham Lincoln walked several miles to the customer’s house and return those cents.

We can all draw inspiration from the honesty of this young-store clerk that would later become one of the greatest Presidents of the United States of America. He truly was a man of principle, whose honesty and good deeds were evident in his actions.

(3) Circle true (T) or false (F):

A. Honest Abe is the real name of Abraham Lincoln.                         T      F

B. He was working as a store clerk.                                                     T      F

C. He accidentally overcharged a customer a few extra cents.            T      F

D. He became president of The United States of America.                 T      F

E. He truly was not a man of principle.                                                T      F


(4) What do you think? Check if you agree or cross if you disagree.

A. It is good to be honest.____________

B. It is fun to lie sometimes.___________

C. To lie is OK if nobody discovers you._______________

D. A lie is always discovered.____________

E. It is not exciting to lie.____________

F. Honesty is always rewarded.________________


Song of the day:Hot Rod Lincoln ORIGINAL 1955 Charlie Ryan




1. True

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. False



1. Agree

2. Disagree

3 . D

4. A

5. A

6. A


