ENGLISH CLASSROOM 74 cinderelly英文教室七十四灰姑娘

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The Work Song - Cinderella: a cloze exercise



Words and Verbs to insert:

ball= ballo -- circles= cerchio -- dizzy= stordita -- dusting= spolverare -- fix = prepara -- gotta= dobbiamo (=have got to) -- help= aiutare -- holler= urlano -- hopping= saltare -- 'll make= faremo -- make= fai -- mopping = lavare i pavimenti -- night = notte -- pretty = bello -- really= davvero -- ribbon= nastro -- sash= fascia -- scissors = forbici -- sewing= il cucito -- than= di -- time = tempo -- trimmin'= passamaneria -- wash= lava -- women= donne



Top of Form

[parlato] Poor Cinderelly! Every time she find a minute that's the time when they beginning - "Cinderelly!!

Cinderelly, Cinderelly
 and day it's Cinderelly
 the fire,  the breakfast
 the dishes, do the 
and the sweeping and the 
They always keep her 
she go around in 
till she very, very 
still they 
keep a-busy, Cinderelly!

Yeah, keep her busy! You know what? Cinderella is not going to the ball
- What? Not going? What did you say?
- You'll see, they'll fix it. She'll never get that dress on!
- Poor Cinderelly!
- Hey, WE can do it!

We can do it, we can do it
we can  our Cinderelly
we can make her dress so 
there's nothing to it, 
we'll tie a  around it
put a  thru it
when dancing at the 
she'll be more beautiful  all
in the lovely dress we 
for Cinderelly

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry
gonna help our Cinderelly
got no  to dilly-dally
we  get a-goin'
[I'll cut it with these  !]
and I can do the   !]
leave the sewing to the 
you go get some 
and we'll make a lovely dress
for Cinderelly!

Song of the day: The Work song Part 1 and 2

